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If you or any one member of the family is unsure if it is the right time for making a Peaceful Home Euthanasia appointment, then it is our protocol to not proceed at this time. Instead, we advise having a “Quality of Life” consultation as a separate appointment. This is a unhurried, neutral, thorough review of your pet’s situation,  based on:  1) previous diagnostics and treatments that your pet may have already received;  2) a review of your pet’s environment;  3)an updated  physical exam, and 4) your care options, given your pet’s temperament, conditions, and your abilities/resources.  We can also discuss further tests or treatments if feasible or helpful at this time. Sometimes a blood test at home can help clarify the general underlying health and prognosis of your pet.


The goal of a “Quality of Life” consultation is to provide you with information to assist you in making the best decision for your pet, to either to plan a peaceful home euthanasia, or to improve on how to care for your pet further at home at this time, and then see if things improve or not.  This appointment can also provide “peace of mind” for you if it has been a while since your pet has had a veterinary exam. You can also discuss candidly your concerns and priorities.


After a quality of life consultation, or when you decide to arrange a Peaceful Home Euthanasia, our protocol is to ask owners to “sleep on it”, at least overnight.  Otherwise, it has been our experience, otherwise, that many pet owners will falsely “second guess” themselves later, even if a peaceful euthanasia is the obvious and best kindness.  Our goals are to prevent suffering of your pet, to provide a peaceful home euthanasia when the time is kindest and wisest, and to provide peace of mind for you, and for all involved in helping your pet, at this stage of life.


In a Quality of Life consultation, Dr. Susan will have taken time reviewing your pet's previous health history,  after which she will spend approximatly 2 hours at your home, and then prepare a record of findings and recommendations. 


Cost of a Quality of Life Consultation involves the following:


1) Quality of Life: Review, Evaluation and Indepth Consultation (approx 2 hours) - $150.00 +GST




2) House Call to your Area (see below for cost to your specific area + GST):






When to Consider a "Quality of Life" Consultation


10am- 4pm

Regular Day rates

*Saturdays & Evenings

Closed and away on Sundays, long weekends & statutory holidays.

Ladner & Tsawwassen - general housecall enquiries, also Quality of Life consults and Peaceful Home Euthanasia Appts.

$65 ~ ~ ~ ~ $65

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Evening Rate (discounted due to lesser traffic/travel time)

Regular Rate

North Delta

$140 ~ ~ ~ ~ $95

Richmond WEST of Knight St

$160 ~ ~ ~ $115

EAST Richmond (East of Knight St)

$170 ~ ~ ~ $125

Surrey (SOUTH of 96th Ave, Cloverdale, WEST of Cloverdale/Hwy 15, including White Rock)

$170 ~ ~ ~ $125

Surrey, NORTH of 96 Ave, or EAST of Cloverdale/Hwy 15, including Port Kells

$195 ~ ~ ~ $150

Langley, WEST of and Central Langley

$195 ~ ~ ~ $150

Langley, NORTH of Hwy 1, Walnut Grove, Fort Langely

$220 ~ ~ ~ $175

Langley, SOUTH of 16th Ave or EAST of 216th St

$220 ~ ~ ~ $175

Burnaby (SOUTH of Hwy #1)

$195 ~ ~ ~ $150

Burnaby/Langley if NORTH of Hwy1

$220 ~ ~ ~ $ 175

New Westminster

$195 ~ ~ ~ $150


$195 ~ ~ ~ $150

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The areas below are served for Quality of Life exams

& Peaceful Home Euthanasia only


*Saturdays & Evenings (Discounted Rate re: Traffic Considerations)

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Creature Comforts Veterinary Home Services Ltd. is registered with CVBC, The Province of BC and Delta Corp.

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